
Strategic Lead Wakefield Music Services

School Engagement Strategy

In the role of Strategic lead for Partnerships within the West Yorkshire Music Hub, Wakefield Music Services will coordinate the School Engagement Strategy and Lead School Programme. We will provide a broad offer of support for schools building on already established networks, partnerships, expertise and needs analysis. This will allow for a higher level of consistency over the region, drawing together findings which identify cold spots, levels of engagement, quality of provision and any patterns across type of school or families of schools. School music audits and evaluation tools offered by all current hubs will take on a consistent offer that aligns data and more easily draws out common strengths and areas of development for schools across the region. This will not only continue to inform local training needs but allow for an enhanced regional CPD offering that utilises the new Lead Schools, the expertise of partners and delivery partners in a more cost-effective way. Needs and priorities for schools will also be ascertained through: 

  • Feedback from curriculum network meetings and wider CPD 
  • School visits and conversations with school leaders 
  • Annual Data responses 
  • Youth Voice Forums 
  • Council services and other organisations that logistically deal with Children and Young People. Current established partners include Virtual 
  • Schools, Alternative Provision, Care Leavers etc. 
  • Work, feedback and findings from the Lead Schools 

CPD and support for schools will develop across the region with an increasingly joined up approach to avoid duplication, using a wider base of expertise and utilising economies of scale. The appointment of Lead Schools across the region will further strengthen this and will build on consortium partner’s previous track record of effectively delivering training that drills down on local need in addition to national music education priorities such as the National Plan for Music Education (NPME) and Model Music Curriculum. All 5 areas will continue to work within and utilise their strong links with LA school improvement teams and with teaching schools and SCITT partnerships where appropriate.

Lead Schools Programme

The School Engagement Strategy will be supported by the Lead School Programme that will start in Summer 2025. This will initially involve a new network of approximately 20 schools from across all 5 local authority areas made up primary, secondary, post 16 and SEND/Alternative provision. The core purpose of a Lead School, as set out in the NPME, is to champion music education, developing and nurturing local school relationships and networks as part of and on behalf of the Hub. Lead Schools are expected to supplement, not replace, the role of the Hub.  

Lead Schools should act as an ambassador for music education, and model behaviour and practice expected from schools in relation to music. Lead Schools are a key partner within the Hub and help with engaging schools within the Hub area, demonstrating and advocating for the vital role schools will play in ensuring the success of the NPME. 

The role and purpose of these is to:

  • Be a champion for music education and an open door to other schools and settings across the region  
  • Help all schools in the LA area to improve the quality of music (curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular) and be a champion for Music Education  
  • Facilitate new and better ways for teachers to support each other and work together   
  • Help the WYMH Advisory Group to understand what schools need and how to work better with them to improve musical outcomes for children and young people  
  • Support the WYMH Advisory Group to understand what musical opportunities young people want and need and be a 2-way conduit for the voice of young people   
  • Be an additional beacon for an area that they believe to be strong e.g. Music Technology, Vocal Work, GCSE, Musical Futures, Extra-Curricular, Assessment & Recording etc.